fairPACCT encourages
About fairPACCT
This website offers those involved in the fairPACCT program an overview of relevant documentation, insight on progress and updates on the latest news.
The fairPACCT program is aimed at concretizing fair pay and fair practice in various subsectors in the cultural and creative sector. Examples include photography, archaeology or pop music.
For each sub-sector, workers and work providers, among others, take a seat at a chain table (discussion table). Together, they make proposals for better working conditions and develop practice tools, such as rate guidelines. These are secured and shared with the broad cultural and creative sector. The program has received OCW funding for both the 2021-2024 and 2025-2028 periods and is hosted by Platform ACCT.
FairPACCT adopts the premise that subsectors or professional groups will eventually take ownership of the developed practice tools and continue the dialogue between them independently. A strategy for this will be developed in the period 2025-2028.
Want to know more about this program?
Contact us at fairpacct@platformacct.nl
or read more:

Chain tables
In the various sub-sectors, stakeholders were brought to the table to make joint plans for achieving better working conditions.
Progress is charted by chain table.
In the library you will find all documentation surrounding the program and individual chain tables, such as start-up files, preliminary surveys and participant lists.
Staying informed?
Would you like to stay up to date on all the steps being taken within the program toward better working conditions and collective agreements? Sign up for the fairPACCT newsletter here. View here past editions of our newsletters and news flashes.